ECOTRON at the oe-a and EPoSS workshop
07/12/2022EPoSS (European Association on Smart System Integration) and oe-a (Organic Electronics Association) organised a workshop on Functional Electronics for Green and Circular Economy on 7 December 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany. The workshop gathered all projects funded under EU call HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31 as well as other stakeholders from the electronics community.
ECOTRON was represented by our coordinator, Corne Rentrop from TNO- Holst Centre. The workshop was a perfect opportunity for all the projects to establish the initial contact and discuss future joint activities.
Together with the other seven funded projects, ECOTRON discussed how functional electronics can contribute to sustainable and circular economy. This was the first event of this type and coopeartion among the project will be further reinforced by future events.