ECOTRON presented at TREASURE Spring School
ECOTRON was showcased by POLIMI at the TREASURE Spring School, an event organized to highlight the final stages of the H2020 project TREASURE, which took place in Paris from April 24th to 26th.
TREASURE, short for “TRansition of the European Automotive SUpply chain towards a circulaR futurE,” is a 3-year Research and Innovation Action co-funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme. It aims to provide new opportunities for testing innovative technologies to promote circularity in the automotive sector, with a particular emphasis on electronic components. The project involves 15 partners from six EU countries and one non-EU country, commencing in June 2021 and concluding in May 2024.
ECOTRON and TREASURE share a common goal of advancing circularity and new technologies within the electronics industry, recognizing this as a pivotal step towards enhancing the sector’s sustainability.
POLIMI plays a significant role in both projects: serving as the project coordinator in TREASURE and directly engaging in four different Work Packages. Additionally, POLIMI serves as the task leader in ECOTRON for activities related to the advancement of novel materials, technologies, and processes as well as for research and development activities focused on new business models related to green electronics.
For more information about TREASURE, please visit their website.

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