EU Green Electronics Working Group
20/11/2024Representatives from Horizon Europe projects funded primarily under the calls HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31 – Functional Electronics for Green and Circular Economy and HORIZON-KDT-JU-2022-RIA – Focus Topic 2: Eco-designed Smart Electronic Systems Supporting the Green Deal Objectives have united under the common aim of promoting greener and more sustainable electronics in Europe by forming the EU Green Electronics Working Group.
๐ ๐ The projects share a vision of defining and advancing green electronics by developing novel materials, furthering next-generation manufacturing processes, and improving recycling techniques for functional electronics. This joint initiative extends the visibility of each project’s work and fortifies the relationships and coordination between different research projects funded under common calls, becoming a catalyst that will push toward a more inventive and sustainable future in electronics.
Find out more about the projects participating in our working group below:
BAMBAM Horizon Europe: Building Active MicroLED displays By Additive Manufacturing:
CircelPaper – Circular Economy Applied To Electronic Printed Circuit Boards Based On Paper:
Circ-Uits Project – Circular Integration of independent Reverse supply Chains for the smart reUse of IndusTrially relevant Semiconductors:
ECOTRON – How to minimize the ecological footprint for functional electronics?:
EECONE Project – European ECOsystem for greeN Electronics:
HyPELignum – Exploring wooden materials in hybrid printed electronics: a holistic approach towards functional electronics with net zero carbon emissions:
REFORM Project – pRinted Electronics FOR the circular econoMy:
SUINK Project – SUstainable self-charging power systems developed by INKjet printing:
SusFE – Innovative Processes & Methodologies for Next Generation Sustainable Functional Electronic Components and Systems:
Sustain a Print – Sustainable materials and process for green printed electronics:
SUSTRONICS Project – Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy:
TREASURE HORIZON 2020– Leading the TRansition of the European Automotive Supply chain towards a circulaR FuturE (funded under CE-SC5-25-2020 – Understanding the transition to a circular economy and its implications on the environment, economy and society):
UNICORN – Unveiling Innovation Potential of Circular Approaches in Automotive Electronics and Beyond: