Partner Spotlight: Polar


Meet Polar Electro Oy, a Finnish pioneer in sports training technology and the developer of the world’s first wireless heart rate monitor.

Polar is proud to be the end user for the wearable athlete tracking system in the ECOTRON project. They are utilizing printed electronics with sustainable materials to develop innovative solutions. A key milestone is the development of sustainable heart rate strap prototypes that are washable and have a long lifespan.

Founded in 1977 and headquartered in Kempele, Finland, Polar has grown into a global brand with around 1,200 employees and 26 subsidiaries.

Their commitment to innovation ensures that their products help users understand themselves better, perform better, and live better, making a significant impact on future lifestyles.

Polar recognizes the impact of its decisions on people, the planet, and the climate. Sustainability is at the core of everything Polar does.